Don't Take Time For Granted

We waste so much of life’s fleeting moments by doing things like complaining. We complain about our parents and then miss the precious years we have left with them. We complain about our kids, and in the blink of an eye, they’re grown and gone. We complain about getting old and taint the years we still have to enjoy life. We can complain our way through an entire life. And then it’s gone—never to return.
Maybe you feel stuck in a dead-end job. Maybe you’ve let your relationship fizzle out. Maybe you feel your dreams have faded or your sense of joy has disappeared.
Many of us are walking this earth physically alive but dead of spirit, operating at the level of our NI number - existing but not living.
But time is ticking...
Whatever is important to you, whatever you feel passionate about doing in this life, don’t take time for granted. Don’t waste the gift you’ve been given.
Hopefully we all have a bucket list. Don’t have one? Write one….. someone once said to me that if we don’t have a plan, we end up tossed about by what life throws at us… we are essentially rudderless and we float through life. Yes, even with a plan, it can go pear-shaped, but we can exert some control and get back in charge.
So if your goals are health, diet and fitness related, do not delay! You can start now and in 7 days could’ve lost 2lbs or more, worked out 3 or more times a week, feel more energised, feel fitter, feel more confident, look better. And so many other positives.
There’s a great quote: ‘You can have results or you can have excuses’!
If you’d like some help achieving those fitness goals, message me! Always happy to help!