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4 Tips on How To Stay Fit During School Holidays

How To Stay Fit During School Holidays

School holidays are a fitness killer - we go away to sunny islands and indulge in delicious food and cocktails, or go camping when convenience food is the way to go; your fitness routine goes out the window because let’s face it - it’s hard to keep any kind of routine whilst the kids are around, let alone one which requires all your motivation; or you’re just so tired at the end of the day that you cannot think about a) going to class, b) cooking a healthy meal. Pizza for all just sounds like a good option.

But it doesn’t have to be stressful keeping fit during school holidays - with a couple of simple tips you can carry on with exercise and healthy eating! All it takes is a little determination and these 4 hacks:

1. Choose easy to make, healthy meals for the whole family - and involve your children in making them! Why not try a cauliflower base for a favourite pizza? It’s fun to make and it will be fun to taste too! Or make beetroot brownies - can the children guess the difference? If you’re the only one who is trying to eat healthily, it’s double the effort and you will feel frustrated. Making healthy meals doesn’t have to be boring - jump on Pinterest and find a new family favourite!

2. Make fitness classes ‘You’ time. ‘You’ time is very important - to step away and breathe, to gather your thoughts, and just to have a break from the endless business of daily routines. Instead of seeing fitness classes as a chore or just another hour of your day when you are ‘busy’, think of them as ‘You’ time where you relax and recharge.

3. Be adventurous with exercise. Get out and about with children and try different activities like surfing, kayaking, climbing, fun runs - being out and about, even if it’s just walking, will help you keep in shape. Use days out as an excuse to keep active!

4. Remember to relax. Especially if you’re going on holiday. I know we’re trying to be good and active, but also remember the 80/20 rule - the 20% is there for enjoyment! So have the lazy day if opportunity arises; indulge in the buffet if you feel like it; drink the all-inclusive cocktail when you’re away somewhere sunny! Just be prepared to work it off when you come back.


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