The Benefits of Cycling!
The 5th to the 13th June is National Cycling week, in line with that and to celebrate all those cycling enthusiasts out there, we thought we’d spend this month focussing on this popular sport.

Living in Wiltshire, it isn’t hard to spot a cyclist on any day, but especially in the summer months, enjoying the scenic countryside. Why is the sport so popular?
It’s a low impact sport but can still burn lots of calories. If you have any joint injures or suffer with arthritis it’s a good exercise choice whilst be kind to the joints. As it’s considered a cardio exercise it improves the cardio vascular system, lowers blood pressure, improves lung capacity, lowers the risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and reduces the systems of asthma.
Cycling is whole body workout. If your handle bars and saddle are positioned correctly, you should have equal pressure between your bottom, feet and hands. You shouldn’t be leaning on the handle bars; instead recruiting the core muscles to hold up the torso. It requires co-ordination and balance to move both feet around whilst holding the handle bars an
d balancing on two wheels. This makes the brain work and improves the neuro receptors in the brain, therefore a great choice of exercise as we get older.
Being in and around nature can have powerful benefits to our mental health. There is increasing evidence of the importance of feeling connected with nature rather than just spending time in it. Cycling does just that. You can travel quite a few miles but I find you’re paying far more attention to what’s around you than when you’re in a car. It’s very easy to stop and look at the scenery and absorb what is going on around you.
If you’
re looking to build muscle tone and strength in your legs, especially to support tired joints then cycling does exactly that. Pedal power is an intense workout for your legs with the push, pull action; seeing the benefits in other areas of your life. You’ll also notice a difference in your endurance and stamina the more you cycle. Start with a small ride and gradually build up as you get fitter, stronger and your bottom becomes used to the saddle!!
Last but not least, it’s great for the environment. It’s far better to cycle to work (when we’re back in the office) than to jump in the car, assuming that it is a viable option.
We'd love to hear all about your cycling adventures, so please s
hare your cycling pictures and stories on the Facebook page